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San Francisco LGBT Community Center Youth Program

Various programs to meet the needs of LGBTQ TAY.

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UCSF Medical Center: Adolescent and Young Adult Clinic

Comprehensive mulch-disciplinary health care for adolescents and young adults to age 25 within major medical center with world-class specialists.

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Richmond Area Multi Services (RAMS): Wellness Centers Program

The RAMS Wellness Centers Program provides mental health and/or substance abuse counseling through the Wellness Centers in 15 SFUSD public high schools.

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Richmond Area Multi Services (RAMS): Hire-Ability

Hire-Ability is a Vocational Services program serving individuals with mental health illnesses.

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UCSF Medical Center: Women’s HIV Program

Comprehensive on-site HIV care for women and their children. Services include HIV medical care, pediatric primary care, dental screenings, referrals, and nutritional counseling. The Program also offers mental health screening and counseling as well as ongoing psychotherapy for children and their families. There are on-site social workers to assist with housing, CCS, Medi-cal, and other services. The program also provides confidential HIV testing, access to clinical trials, legal counseling, and 24-hour HIV medical care through an on-call system daily.

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UCSF 360: The Positive Care Center

Provides medical care for HIV-Positive individuals that is informed by the latest HIV/AIDS treatments and information. Consultative care is offered to pationets who already have a primary care provider, but want to have the option to see an HIV/AIDS expert from time to time. Consultaions can be initiated by a patient or their primary care provider. There are specific programs for wmeon and men of color and the center also provides individua lcase management. The cneter offers social services provided by social workers and case managers who are trained in HIV/AIDS-related needs and services. Each patient is offered an initial social services assessment and follow-up as needed. Other services include conseling, support groups, ADAP enrollment and assistance with Social Security and Medi-Cal enrollment.

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