B.L.I.N.G. grants up to $5,000 to fund youth ideas for social change
1. Have an idea for a project, campaign or event that addresses
a need for San Francisco youth and/or their communities.
2. Partner with an adult mentor and an organization or school to
act as a fiscal sponsor.
3. Get a core group of youth (3-6) to apply to the grant. These
youth must be ages 13-17.
4. Watch this instructional videos on how to apply on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/BLING415?fref=ts.
5. Dream BIG! Create a video OR write a narrative to show the
overall idea of your project, the need you are addressing and
your project goal.
6. Break down your project into a timeline of steps and budget.
7. Not sure if you’re doing it right? Turn in a draft of your
application by November 1st at 4 p.m. and YLI will give
you some tips on how to make your application stronger.
8. Turn in your completed application as a hard copy to YLI by
November 18th at 6pm (address on last page of application).
9. Applicants may be contacted to schedule an interview. Get at
least two youth and your adult mentor ready to sell your idea!
10. Watch your emails. YLI will contact you about next
steps and final decisions will be made December 13.
Check out the application due November 18th at this link: http://tinyurl.com/BLINGapp.
Source: Youth Leadership Institute, October 24, 2013