California Lawyers for the Arts has proudly sponsored Spotlight on the Arts, a comprehensive workforce development program for low-income high school students ages 14 to 17. Since inception we have provided job training and career exploration to more than 750 students. Spotlight employs a three pronged approach that includes internships, workshops and college counseling.
Through internship site placements that reflect their interests and skills, participants get “hands on” job training and explore careers in diverse arts disciplines. Internship sites have included Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts, A.C.T. Costume Shop, Cartoon Art Museum, African American Art & Culture Complex, Chinese Culture Center, Boys and Girls Clubs, ArtSeed, Old Navy, Theatre Bay Area, and Yerba Buena Alliance.
Complementing their internships, Spotlight participants attend workshops that include “backstage” tours of art facilities, presentations from veterans in the industry, and interactive exercises in conflict resolution, workplace etiquette, interview skills, public speaking, civic advocacy, financial literacy, and college application processes.
Source: California Lawyers for the Arts, April 8th, 2016