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Jobs and Internship Listings

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The Springboard Initiative High-Tech Workforce Program Application (Deadline: June 30, 2016)

Springboard Initiative participants will receive a monthly stipend and be matched with a mentor in the tech field; program members will take courses at Community College of San Francisco (CCSF) and complete workforce readiness training. After successful completion of the eight-month training, program participants will be placed in a six-month salaried apprenticeship position with one of Springboard’s high tech partner employers with the continued support of Collective Impact and mentor involvement. Upon completion of the six-month apprenticeship, an evaluation will be conducted for permanent employment placement.     Application here.

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Homies 4 Justice Now Recruiting for Paid Internship

Homies 4 Justice is a paid internship through Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice (CURYJ) that will train Oakland youth and young adults, ages 14-20, to become community leaders and agents of change. Homies 4 Justice will provide job training, community organizing skills, and culturally rooted education for the defense of our communities against system violence and injustice. Become a Homie 4 Justice! Our Hoods, Our Solutions! Application deadline: MAY 25th, 2016 Interviews will take place May 30th- June 3rd Hiring decisions will be made June 6th- 8th Summer Internship will run June 13th- August 12th   Applications can be […]

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EcoCenter Internship is proud to announce a summer internship program at the EcoCenter at Heron’s Head Park for two City College of SF students and two High School students, made possible by a generous grant from San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC). The EcoCenter is an environmental education center located in the Heron’s Head Park in Bayview Hunters Point. This unique facility features sustainable building technologies related to water conservation and management, renewable energy, energy efficiency, and alternative wastewater treatment technologies. This program will teach the interns advanced concepts in environmental stewardship and will provide them with hands-on work experience with […]

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Health CORE Internship

Health Core is a 10 – week program for youth ages 17-24. Participants will learn about serious Health topics such as diabetes, hypertension, trauma, reproductive health that affect their community and more. The program will also provide opportunities to learn more about a wide variety of health careers from social-work to being a registered nurse. Through our partnership with community colleges and community-based organizations, applicants will receive assistance applying to the health education departments. Youth may also earn credits while attending the program. Program participants will be a paid stipend. *Qualifications: Must be able to commit to a 10-week program […]

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Hospitality Careers Bootcamp!

In partnership with the Success Center San Francisco (Western Addition Neighborhood Access Point), America Works is assisting with the recruitment for the upcoming Hospitality Bootcamp (see attached and below). America works is hosting a recruitment event at the CASC on Monday May 9th at 11am.  America Works has built amazing relationships with local restaurants and hotels and will be at the forefront of placing clients in jobs upon completion of the training.

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CCSF Mission Center Programs/Services Fall 2016

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