Juvenile Advisory Council (JAC) now accepting applications from youth successfully off probation or foster care for on-call paid leadership position.
The JAC is a group of young people who use their experience of going through the Juvenile Justice System to educate others and provide support and knowledge to those in need.
Applications are due by 5pm March 15, 2014.
If hired, youth would speak to groups of youth who are looking for inspiration and guidance during their probation term. Every first Saturday of the month the JAC members speak with youth and their families at the SF Juvenile Justice Center. JAC Members also present workshops at schools and community programs in SF.
Who is eligible?
18-27 Year-Old Community Leaders
Priority given to those who have experience with
SF Probation Systems
Cannot be on Probation (Juvenile or Adult)
What is the job?
Receive training and speak to youth who are
facing trouble.
Public Speaking and leadership activities.
Build your resume and be part of a supportive
group of peers.
Earn $25/hour
Average of 5 hours per week
First Saturday of each month: 9am-11am.
Attend 2 meetings per month.
Other tasks & hours as assigned.
The goal of the JAC is to reduce the number of youth who are locked up and get stuck in the cycle of the system.
Click here to download the JAC position application.
Applications can be returned to: JPD, 375 Woodside Room #209A ▪ SF, CA 94127, or E-mail to: [email protected] or Fax to: (415) 753-7851
Source: JAC, February 26, 2014