LYRIC logoWhat is LYRIC SF?

Founded in 1988, the Lavender Youth Recreation & Information Center (LYRIC SF) provides supports and services to over 1,200 lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning and allied (LGBTQQA) youth (annually), 24 years old and under.

LYRIC’s mission is to build community and inspire positive social change through education enhancement, career training, health promotion, and leadership development with LGBTQQ youth, their families, and allies of all races, classes, genders, and abilities.

LYRIC SF Youth Advocate Position Summary:

In alignment with LYRIC’s Strategic Plan, the organization envisions (1) schools that are transformed into safe, inclusive environments where LGBTQQ students can thrive and (2) a comprehensive network of community support to ensure successful progression into adulthood
for Transitional Age LGBTQQ Youth.

The Youth Advocate (“Case Manager”) is deeply involved in working toward this vision, providing a range of culturally relevant support activities for youth within the context of their families, schools, and communities. Youth Advocates conduct one-on-one program orientations to assess interests and urgent needs of youth accessing LYRIC for the first time.

Youth Advocates are responsible for case management services—ranging from referrals to intensive case management—including the development of individualized service plans, ongoing individual appointments with youth, and transition planning. Youth Advocates work in partnership with youth and work in collaboration with the entire LYRIC staff.

Highly Desirable Candidate Qualifications:
1. Experience working with African American transgender young women; AND/OR
2. Experience working with monolingual Spanish- or Cantonese-speaking LGBTQQ youth and
their families

To Apply:

To apply, please send an email to [email protected]. Put “Youth Advocate Job” and your name in the subject line, and include as attachments:

1. Cover letter with full contact information
2. Résumé

You will be notified when your application is received. We will contact you if we wish to talk with you about the position. Due to the high volume of applications we expect to receive, we ask that you please do not contact us about the position, unless we have contacted you and invited you to move forward with the application process. At that time, we will be happy to answer any questions.

LYRIC SF will be accepting applications from 10/28/13 to 11/13/13.

The application process will include several steps:
1. Each applicant will be notified by email that the application was received.
2. Selected applicants may be emailed several questions and asked to provide written answers.
3. Selected applicants may then be invited to come to LYRIC for an interview with members of the Program Staff.
4. A second interview with an expanded hiring committee will be conducted as necessary.
5. An offer will be made to one applicant.

Applications are being accepted now and the position will remain open until filled.

Source: LYRIC SF, October 31, 2013