SF-Summer-Jobs+There are up to 7,000 jobs available this summer for SF youth ages 16-24!

Come in for an orientation at CHALK SF to learn more!

No appointment needed. Please arrive on time.

Orientation Schedule:

Every Tuesdays and Thursdays in June and July 2014
11am-1:30pm & 1:30pm-4pm

Orientation Location:

965 Mission Street, Suite 520
San Francisco, CA 94103

*Office is scheduled to move as of July 1st so contact CHALK staff for the new location!

If you have any questions give a call!

One of CHALK’s YouthLINE staff will be happy to answer any questions

(888) 977-3399

Mon-Fri 4pm-8pm

*Please bring your resume, if you have one, and any certification you may have earned

Source: CHALK, May 21, 2014