-New Door interns work at either Ashbury Images, our silk screening business; Pedal Revolution, our full service bicycle shop; or one of our local business partners. We have 75+ community partners, local businesses that agree to employ youth from our program. New Door’s current roster of partners represent a diverse array of industries, such as food service and hospitality; office and administrative support for legal and financial services; childcare and after-school programs creative arts and media; and hands-on labor.
New Door youth interns receive an hourly wage ($12.25), a monthly Clipper card, and on-going educational and case management support while engaged at New Door. I have attached our program flyer for you to distribute, as well as our referral form for any youth you may want to refer.
Information sessions
-Tuesday at 10:30 am and every Thursday at 4:00 pm for young adults (ages 17-24) interested in employment opportunities. All youth who make it ON TIME to the information session are invited to take an application and schedule a one-on-one interview with managers.
Before a youth begins employment, they must complete a 2-week pre-job training orientation. Youth receive a stipend based on their attendance totaling $150 for completing the orientation. Orientations are 2 weeks long, Monday through Friday from 2-5 pm.
Source: New Door Ventures, March 7th, 2016