A Woman’s Place (AWP) is the only gender-specific emergency shelter and transitional housing of its kind in San Francisco, providing a safe haven for homeless women with a comprehensive range of flexible services, including health care, mental health counseling, case management services, and money management. The facility serves all women, catering to the chronically homeless who are most at risk and serving individuals other agencies turn away. Emergency housing is provided to single women without children, the LGBT and HIV/AIDS communities, those who experience mental illness, domestic violence, and substance abuse. AWP serves adult women of all ages and ethnicities who feel they have nowhere else to go. At A Woman’s Place, individuals receive the structure and support needed to attain permanent housing, a stable income, and if possible, gainful employment. The average length of stay is 6 – 12 months in the Transitional Housing Program. At capacity, 54 women can be housed in the building. Transitional housing (15 beds), Substance Abuse (14 beds) and the emergency shelter (25 beds) serve more than 450 people each year.
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