First Place for Youth offers the San Francisco County Independent Living Skills Program to current and former foster youth, Kin-GAP youth, and probation youth from age 16 until their 21st birthday. ILSP offers a full range of services designed to assist and support emancipating foster care and probation-involved youth in their transition to independent living. Youth can participate in ILSP in the following ways: Education and Employment Services, First Foundation, Family Finding and Permanency Services, and events and workshops.Education and employment assistance includes support around high school diploma/GED attainment, postsecondary education or vocational certifications, support in planning around education and career goals, job search preparation, job linkages, and employment retention.First Foundation is an educational support program for youth in high school willing to commit to the program until high school graduation or GED attainment.

Participants receive individualized goal setting assistance, tutoring assistance, IEP support, educational plan management and assistance coordinating service providers to help ensure completion of Diploma or GED.Intensive Family Finding and Engagement Assistance through Seneca Family of Agencies to help youth create a permanent network of support in preparation for adulthood.Resources and referrals are also provided to support youth and help promote their transition into adulthood. 

Click here to download the ILSP Referral form.

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