Fred Finch Youth Center provides mental health, housing, and residential treatment to system-involved youth and their families to help them heal from trauma and lead healthy, productive lives. Services occur on site and throughout the community at the convenience of those we work with.
Fred Finch Youth Center programs include:
Coolidge Court Apartments provides 18 studio units of permanent housing with on-site supportive services to young adults and adults with a mental health disability.Rising Oaks is a 30-unit studio apartment complex on the FFYC Coolidge campus in Oakland where former foster youth and foster youth over age 18 can find transitional housing and support services, and a safe, welcoming community. Turning Point is a transitional housing program for youth age 18 – 25 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness located at two sites in Berkeley. On site supportive services include mental health and substance abuse counseling, case management, employment development, life skills coaching, and assistance finding permanent housing.Supportive Housing for Transition Age Youth (STAY) provides services to young adults age 18 to 24 who are at high risk of homelessness or are homeless in conjunction with FFYC’s housing partner, Abode Services, and provides a comprehensive range of support services. Contra Costa Transition Age Youth (CCTAY) provides services to TAY in West Contra Costa County through collaborations with partner agencies to provide a comprehensive range of services to youth who are homeless or at high risk of homelessness, and are under-served by the current system. Rising Harte Wellness Center will be opening in the fall of 2014 to provide primary medical, dental, and mental health services to TAY in Alameda County and students at neighboring Bret Harte Middle School in Oakland.
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