At 24 years of age, Jordan Wood was lacking direction. After all, summoning up the fortitude to better one’s life is no easy task when you come from an underserved community.

Jordan was referred to MEDA by Goodwill. Initially, the young man had little knowledge of the booming tech sector in the Bay Area, as this was not evidenced in his part of San Francisco—the less-affluent southeastern quadrant.

Joining MEDA’s fall cohort of Mission Techies—one of several free programs for young adults ages 17 to 24—turned out to be life changing for Jordan. The goal of the Mission Techies Academy is to start clients on the path to an IT career.

Unfortunately, Jordan’s prior path had taken him in the opposite direction. Having now paid his dues, Jordan quickly realized he had an affinity for computers and looked forward to coming to classes to soak up IT knowledge.

Jordan explains the success of his being in the program as follows: “The Mission Techies program has helped me feel good about myself to stay on the straight and narrow. My record will make me work harder than the rest, but I now know what to expect when I’m entering the workforce because of the Mission Techies program. I feel I can maintain hope for my future and earn a living in the tech industry. ”

Upon graduation, MEDA assisted Jordan on getting accepted into Year Up for their upcoming spring session.

The community at large also generously reached out to Jordan via MEDA’s HandUp page, where client profiles tell of specific needs and how  donations can be made. There was $500 raised for Jordan to buy interview clothes, something he has never had a need for in his wardrobe.

One HandUp donor named Cynthia wrote this inspiring message at holiday time: “Jordan, helping you reach your goals is my Christmas gift to my three children and to myself. We all applaud your success so far, and we want to support you in moving forward to realize your dreams.”

MEDA’s Technology Training Coordinator Leo Sosa was pleased to see Jordan’s newfound enthusiasm for life. Sosa explains, “Jordan has shown leadership since he started the Mission Techies program. He exhibits the need motivation to become part of the tech industry. He has not let anything from his past bring him down. Jordan’s future looks bright.”

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