The Healthcare Bridge Program provides 17 – 21 year olds with career exploration, entry level skill building, and paid internships in the healthcare field. The goal of the program is to build participants’ academic and work skills so they are ready for entry into a healthcare certificate or training program at the community college level. Click here to download Fall 2013 Healthcare Bridge flyer.

More information: Funded by the Office of Economic Workforce Development, the Healthcare Bridge Program provides young adults, ages 17-21, with academic skill building, healthcare career exploration opportunities, work readiness training, and paid internships in healthcare settings. Participants enroll in 3 units offered by City College of San Francisco. The courses are HIT 51: Medical Terminology (1 unit) and HLTH 7: Introduction to Careers in Health (2 units), both offered at the John Adams campus. As a compliment to these courses, JVS offers basic skills and computer workshops contextualized for the healthcare field. In addition to the coursework, participants gain exposure to the diversity of healthcare careers through career exploration activities at JVS and paid internships in various healthcare settings. JVS staff work closely with healthcare partners and internship supervisors to provide ongoing support and ensure that participants build relevant and industry-specific skills.

Healthcare employer partners include: California Pacific Medical Center- St. Luke’s Campus, San Francisco Community Clinic Consortium, UCSF Medical Center, Mission Neighborhood Health Center, On Lok, and the San Francisco Paramedics Association.

Program Components • 3 units at CCSF to introduce skills required for entry level positions within the healthcare industry. • Academic and computer skill building workshops to strengthen participants reading, writing, math, and computer skills. • Career exploration activities including informational interviews with professionals from identified entry level and vocational careers, panel presentations of current CCSF students working towards healthcare certificates, and career mentorship. • Internship stipends designed to provide youth with exposure to a range of healthcare positions and work experience in healthcare settings. • Ongoing case management to support youth in meeting their employment and educational goals.

Eligibility • 17 – 21 years old • Eligible to work in the U.S. • Qualify as low-income • 6th-8th grade reading level • Available 30-35 hrs/week for training and internship

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