We provide housing, medical care, and support services to homeless or marginally housed HIV positive youth.

Housing: Larkin Street has two housing programs specifically for HIV positive youth: Assisted Care, a congregate housing model with 24-hour staff support, and Aftercare, a scattered site housing model. Many clients move back and forth between the two housing programs as their needs change.

Food: HIV Services has a full time professional chef on site who prepares three meals a day plus snacks.

Case Management: Case Managers help youth to develop service plans that meet their physical and mental well being and support their progress towards health and self-sufficiency.

Peer Support: Peer Counselors provide individual counseling, home visits, lead groups and accompany youth to medical appointments for support and advocacy.

Groups: a variety of groups are offered on site including life-skills, mental health support, harm reduction, recovery, art, and HIV prevention with positives.

Medical Care: The HIV Specialty Clinic is located on site in the Health Services Building. The clinic operates on a walk in basis – no appointments are necessary.

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