The San Franciscon Collaborative Courts (SFCC) work with individuals and families in the criminal justice, juvenile delinquency, and child welfare systems who are challenged by substance abuse, mental illness and other social welfare concerns. Their programs aim to improve individual and family outcomes, minimize incarceration, reduce criminal recidivism and improve public safety. Judicial leadership plays a significant role in motivating participant compliance. Team members work with participants to facilitate a greater self-sufficiency and community engagement. Collaborative courts adhere to principles that combine the values of treatment and rehabilitation with a focus on accountability and public safety.

The San Francisco Superior Court delivers high quality collaborative justice programs that address addiction, mental health, and other social service needs.

They do this by: • Behavioral Health Court (BHC): Works with individuals who have serious and persistent mental illness in their efforts toward community re-integration and greater self-sufficiency.

• Community Justice Center (CJC): Bridges the gap between communities and the Court and addresses issues that have led to a participant’s criminal justice involvement through the use of restorative justice and treatment services for substance use, mental health, and other primary health issues; adjudicates clients’ criminal cases from the Tenderloin, Civic Center, Union Square, and South of Market neighborhoods.

• Dependency Drug Court (DDC): Provides comprehensive, highly coordinated services to families impacted by parental substance use to help them establish stability and prevent children’s re-entry into foster care.

• Drug Court (DC): Links non-violent offenders who have substance use disorders to outpatient and/or residential treatment intended to support a life free from substance use.

• Intensive Supervision Court (ISC): Provides high-risk high-needs probationers with a “last chance” at community supervision as an alternative to State prison.

• Juvenile Reentry Court (JRC): Enhances public safety and reduces recidivism of youth returning from long-term commitments by providing comprehensive case planning and aftercare services for high needs youth returning from out-of-home placement and Log Cabin Ranch.

 San Francisco Achievement Collaborative Team (SF-ACT): Supports youth in a school setting when delinquent behavior is connected to the ongoing use of substances; provides individual and family behavioral health services.

• Veterans Justice Court (VJC): Addresses the specialized needs of veterans facing criminal charges by providing the social service, educational and vocational support they need to lead productive and independent lives.

Find out more about our Collaborative Courts in San Francisco.

Source: San Francisco Collaborative Courts, July 31st, 2015

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