YGCIC (now the Success Center San Francisco) is an education based program structured for young people from the ages of approximately 16 yrs old to 21 yrs old, exceptions have been made for 14 yr olds depending on the circumstances. We mainly work with juvenile probation referred individuals, but not that alone. We accept any young person in the forementioned age who is interested in attending classes to obtain their G.E.D. certificate.

We also accept young people who are interested in receiving job readiness education and training, inclusive of resume, cover letter, and thank you letter construction. We provide the arena for exposure to mock job interviews as well as an extensive research on the internet via the use of our onsite computer lab. We also have a program that provides a place a space for young probationees to complete community service. There are other institutions that we work with as well on a qualifying basis depending on the services that the organization provides as well as who they are in community regarding their status and the services that they provide.

The Beautification Team or BT Express is a service-learning program that offers young men and women life learning and cognitive skills development through a strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic engagement and responsibility and strengthen communities.

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