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Larkin Street Youth Services: Drop-in Center

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1142 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA

Drop-In Center for youth 12-21 to receive triage and referral for other social supports.
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Larkin Street Youth Services: Haight Street Referrel Center

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1317 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA

Drop In Center for folks between the ages of 12 and 24, providing basic needs supplies, food, counseling, harm reduction information and supplies, as well as links to other Larkin Street Programs and services throughout San Francisco.

Larkin Street Youth Services: HIV Services – Assisted Care/Aftercare

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1138 Sutter St., San Francisco, CA

Larkin Street’s “one stop shopping” model provides comprehensive, youth-centered HIV services to meet the medical, psychosocial and housing needs of homeless and marginally housed HIV positive youth.

Larkin Street Youth Services: Lark-Inn Youth Shelter

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869 Ellis Street, San Francisco, CA

The Lark-Inn is an emergency housing solution and an entry point to Larkin Street’s full continuum of programs for homeless and runaway youth.

LYRIC: LGBTQQ Violence Prevention & Intervention Program

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127 Collingwood Street, San Francisco, CA

Case Management services for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning (LGBTQQ) and Ally youth.

San Francisco LGBT Community Center: Queer Youth Meal Night

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1800 Market St., San Francisco, CA

Fun place to meet LGBTQAI 18-24 year old youth, eat dinner, hang out, watch a movie, and get connected to resources in San Francisco.