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You are currently viewing HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA AND GED PROGRAM resources.

San Francisco Conservation Corps

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Building 102 Fort Mason, San Francisco, CA

The San Francisco Conservation Corps offers young people opportunities to develop themselves, their academic abilities and marketable job skills while addressing community needs through service work.

Urban Services YMCA: Truancy Assessment and Resource Center

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44 Gough St, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA

The Truancy Assessment and Resource Center (TARC) is San Francisco's one-stop resource center for truant youth in San Francisco. We provide case management, advocacy, information and referrals, support groups and other support for youth and young adults between the ages of 14-25 years old. In addition, we support parents by connecting them with relevant resource and support groups.

Urban Services YMCA: Western Addition Case Management Program

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1426 Fillmore Street Suite 204, San Francisco, CA

The Western Addition Case Management Program is a violence prevention and intervention program working with some of San Francisco's youth between the ages of 14-25 years old who reside in the Western Addition community and who are in-risk or high at-risk of becoming more involved in the juvenile justice system.

San Francisco LGBT Community Center: Fierce & Empowered (FAM)

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655 De Haro Street, San Francisco, CA

FIERCE AND EMPOWERED (FAM) is an afterschool program for queer and ally students at International Studies Academy.

San Francisco LGBT Community Center: LGBT Studies

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1800 Market Street, San Francisco, CA

Our LGBTQ studies class is the best place to learn more about our fabulous LGBTQ history, culture, and the issues that directly affect you and our community.

Each One Reach One: A Dream and a Plan for Tomorrow (ADAPT)

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146 South Spruce Ave, San Francisco, CA

Mentoring & GED tutoring to youth incarcerated in San Francisco, San Mateo, & Santa Clara juvenile detention facilities.