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Youth Empowerment Fund Advisory Board

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1390 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA

Youth-led philanthropy program.

Young Artists at Work Program at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts

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701 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA

The YBCA Young Artists at Work (YAAW) program is a paid, year-long, multidisciplinary arts-as-activism residency for Bay Area high school youth at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts

Latinos en Extasis at Mission Neighborhood Health Center

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240 Shotwell street, San Francisco

Latinos en Extasis gives youth an opportunity to become leaders in their community while learning about reproductive health and healthy relationships.

Tenderloin Youth Leadership Committee at Homeless Children’s Network

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3265 17th St., San Francisco, CA, Suite 404

Tenderloin Youth Leadership Committee allows youth to become a leader in their community.
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San Francisco LGBT Community Center Youth Program

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1800 Market Street, San Francisco, 94102

Various programs to meet the needs of LGBTQ TAY.

Center for Young Women’s Development: Women at the Forefront

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832 Folsom Street, Suite 700, San Francisco, CA

A 12-week policy training that provides young women with the skills, tools and knowledge to engage in effective, successful advocacy for themselves and in their communities. The training builds skills in advocacy and community organizing. Participants will raise their awareness and reduce stigma about the issues and barriers young women face as well as get and give support amongst peers and adults.