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Community Colleges, State Colleges, Universities

Urban Services YMCA: Western Addition Case Management Program

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1426 Fillmore Street Suite 204, San Francisco, CA

The Western Addition Case Management Program is a violence prevention and intervention program working with some of San Francisco's youth between the ages of 14-25 years old who reside in the Western Addition community and who are in-risk or high at-risk of becoming more involved in the juvenile justice system.

Bay Area Video Coalition (BAVC): Next Gen Youth Programs

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2727 Mariposa Street, 2nd Floor, San Francisco, CA

Teaching low income, at-risk 14-24 year-olds new media and technology skills to increase their success in careers and higher education.

Northern California Outreach & Admissions: Job Corps

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351 H Avenue, Building 442, San Francisco, CA

Through a nationwide network of campuses, Job Corps offers a comprehensive array of career development services to at-risk young women and men, ages 16 to 24, to prepare them for successful careers. Job Corps employs a holistic career development training approach which integrates the teaching of academic, vocational, employability skills and social competencies through a combination of classroom, practical and based learning experiences to prepare youth for stable, long-term, high-paying jobs.

Year Up Bay Area

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210 Spear Street, San Francisco, CA

Year Up prepares young adults for success in corporate Information Technology careers and college.

Jewish Vocational Services (JVS): Healthcare Bridge Program

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225 Bush St., Ste. 400, San Francisco, CA

The Healthcare Bridge Program provides 17 – 21 year olds with career exploration, entry level skill building, and paid internships in the healthcare field. The goal of the program is to build participants’ academic and work skills so they are ready for entry into a healthcare certificate or training program at the community college level.

Young Community Developers Inc.

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1715 Yosemite Ave, San Francisco, CA

Preparation, Placement and Preservation...