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Resources for Formerly/Currently Incarcerated: Guide to Getting Out and Staying Out

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850 bryant hall of justice

A Guide to San Francisco Resources for People Leaving Jails and Prisons

Mega Citizenship Workshops at Bill Graham Civic Auditorium

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99 Grove Street

The San Francisco Pathways to Citizenship Initiative will be hosting the first of several 2016 Mega Citizenship Workshops on Saturday, February 27, 2016 at the Bill Graham Auditorium.

Legal Information and Resources for Undocumented Youth

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Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is a part of the United States Department of Homeland Security, and runs a nationwide enforcement initiative to identify, arrest and remove undocumented immigrants with a prior order of removal, deportation or exclusion. During the course of their raids, ICE teams often encounter people without prior deportation orders and without criminal records. ICE has maintained its right to arrest and deport these people as well. But ICE agents are not just sweeping up noncitizens they encounter in the process of seeking “fugitive aliens.” This page provides an overview of the rights an immigrant (whether hereRead more

New Resource Site for Youth Health!

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This site is created by youth and young adults just like you! You can find complete clinic information and comprehensive health information and resources on numerous topics including:

Teen Night Every Friday At Boys and Girls Club-Don Fischer Playhouse!

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380 Fulton St San Francisco, CA 94102

If you’re a student between the ages of 13 and 18, a full-range of special activities and programs has been designed just for you.

Winter Wellness Resources

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The Wintertime and holidays bring opportunities for festive celebrations. For some people, the season can also bring mixed feelings. This is an awesome resource guide to Winter Wellness.