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You are currently viewing JOB SEARCH ASSISTANCE resources.

Mission Economic Development Agency Job Training Programs

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2301 Mission Street #301, San Francisco, CA 94110

Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA) has been dedicated to asset building, ultimately improving the economic and social conditions of San Francisco’s Latino community and the Mission District.

Fred Finch Youth Center

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3800 Coolidge Ave, Oakland, CA

Fred Finch Youth Center provides mental health, housing, and residential treatment to system-involved youth and their families to help them heal from trauma and lead healthy, productive lives. Services occur on site and throughout the community at the convenience of those we work with.

Matchbridge at United Way of the Bay Area

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550 Kearny Street, San Francisco, CA 94108, USA

MatchBridge is a United Way of the Bay Area program providing job placement and training to youth ages 16 - 24.

Young Artists at Work Program at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts

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701 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA

The YBCA Young Artists at Work (YAAW) program is a paid, year-long, multidisciplinary arts-as-activism residency for Bay Area high school youth at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts

Community Grows: BEETS Program

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380 Webster St., San Francisco, CA

BEETS program is green jobs training for 15-19 year olds
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Community Youth Center (CYC) Young Adult Worklink

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319 6th Ave, Suite 201, San Francisco, CA

Community Youth Center Young Adult Worklink provides supportive services in resume writing, interview preparation and employment counseling, in addition to resources for employment. YETP aims to develop job skills while gaining work experience, increase career awareness and employability, and develop successful work habits. Skills trainings and workshops are conducted in partnership with the Employment Training Center where free training courses are provided to aid youth on their road to employability through workshops that include computer programming, career portfolio building, and workplace behaviors.