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You are currently viewing JOB SEARCH ASSISTANCE resources.

Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center (BHNC): Youth Employment Services (YES)

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4468 Mission St., San Francisco, CA

The Y.E.S. (Youth Employment Services) Program, a job readiness and work placement program for youth ages 16-24. Learn to do your resume, how to ace interviews, develop work experience, and more! Youth on probation, in foster care, and teen parents are encouraged to participate.

Boys & Girls Club of San Francisco: Alumni Services

1 Review

55 Hawthorne Street #600, San Francisco, CA

Helping youth to reach their full educational and earning potential.

Career Steps Program San Francisco

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1234 Divisadero Street, San Francisco, CA 94115, USA

The Career Steps Program is a work-readiness training program for youth and adults ages 18 and older who are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing. The program offers a 5 week comprehensive pre-employment training and one-on-one job seeking assistance to enrolled job-ready clients.

Community Vocational Enterprise (CVS)

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818 Mission St., San Francisco, CA

CVE is a non profit social enterprise focused on workforce development through a collaboration with Department of Rehabilitation and Social Security's Ticket to Work program.
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Community Youth Center (CYC) Young Adult Worklink

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319 6th Ave, Suite 201, San Francisco, CA

Young Adult Worklink (YAWL) prepares 18 to 24 year olds with basic education and job readiness skills leading to a path to college education, further job training, and/or entering the workforce.

Enterprise for High School Students: This Way Ahead

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200 Pine Street, San Francisco, CA, 6th Floor

This Way Ahead is a paid job-readiness training and internship for S.F. high school and GED students.