Resources for Formerly/Currently Incarcerated: Guide to Getting Out and Staying Out
850 bryant hall of justice
A Guide to San Francisco Resources for People Leaving Jails and PrisonsYou are currently viewing JUSTICE-INVOLVED – reentry young adult resources.
850 bryant hall of justice
A Guide to San Francisco Resources for People Leaving Jails and Prisons1254 Market St. 3rd Floor San Francisco, CA 94102
LSC’s team advocacy approach enables us to provide a wide spectrum of services. They represent children and youth in cases that include legal guardianship, dependency, school discipline, immigration, emancipation, and restraining order proceedings.400 McAllister, San Francisco CA
The San Franciscon Collaborative Courts (SFCC) work with individuals and families in the criminal justice, juvenile delinquency, and child welfare systems who are challenged by substance abuse, mental illness and other social welfare concerns.340 PINE STREET SUITE #302 , SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94104, USA
A new organization based in the Bay Area called Essie Justice Group, is looking for women who have sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, partners, brothers, sisters, and other loved ones behind bars to join a supportive group for women with incarcerated loved ones. If this reminds you of someone you know (or if you are a woman with an incarcerated loved one), please click here to nominate her or yourself to be a part of the creation of Essie’s Place, a group in the San Francisco Bay Area for women with incarcerated loved ones. Source: Essie Justice Group, January 15th, 2015Designed by Templatic