You are currently viewing YOUNG ADULTS WITH DISABILITIES resources.
3170 23rd St, San Francisco, CA 94110
The mission of PAWS is to preserve, support and nurture the human-animal bond for those most vulnerable in our community.1234 Divisadero Street, San Francisco, CA 94115, USA
The Career Steps Program is a work-readiness training program for youth and adults ages 18 and older who are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing. The program offers a 5 week comprehensive pre-employment training and one-on-one job seeking assistance to enrolled job-ready clients.1234 Indiana St., San Francisco
Hire-Ability is a Vocational Services program serving individuals with mental health illnesses.1663 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA
For youth with disabilities or special health care needs, we offer clinics and workshops around transitioning to adult life and self-advocacy skills, a information and referral phone-line, resource library, and more.Designed by Templatic