Project Pull is a paid summer internship program for high school students sponsored by the City and County of San Francisco through the Department of Public Works (DPW), San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) and Youth Workforce (JCYC).
Project Pull provides professional mentorship to highly motivated, promising high school students from the diverse communities within San Francisco. During the eight-week program, interns get a chance to explore careers in architecture, business, engineering and science by interning with full-time City employees from various City departments.
Eligibility Requirements:
Resident of San Francisco or student who attend school in San Francisco
Student entering junior or senior year in high school or entering first year in college (Age: 15-19)
Minimum 2.75 GPA for the most recent completed semester (Fall 2013)
Must be able to commit and participate in all aspects of Project Pull Summer Internship Program, including but not limited to the internship, weekly enrichment activities, Design Competition and community service during the 2014 summer session (16 June 2014 through 8 August 2014)
The ultimate goal of Project Pull is to expose diverse and talented students to a work environment conducive to their personal growth and to draw young citizens to the public sector and perhaps into the workforce of the City and County of San Francisco.
Applications due March 7th, 2014. To apply, complete application and mail to:
Project Pull Summer Internship Program
525 Golden Gate Avenue, 9th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102
For any questions, feel free to call 415.934.3996 or email [email protected].
For more info and applications:
Source: ProjectPull, February 18, 2014