In DCYF’s Youth Empowerment Fund (YEF)’s five week 2012 Explore SF Summer Youth Leadership Program, youth will investigate San Francisco neighborhoods and build leadership through interactive and youth-led field trips and workshops.

Through Explore SF, youth will gain skills to navigate the city and understand the social, economic, political, and creative forces that have shaped their communities. YEF requests community-based organizations, schools, and other youth agencies to nominate up to 2 youth (1 male/1 female) to join this exciting leadership development opportunity.

A diverse group of up to 15 youth will be selected and awarded a $250 educational scholarship upon completion of the program.

• Be between the ages of 14 and 18 or rising 9th-12th graders
• Live in San Francisco
• Be facing or have faced personal obstacles/hardships

• Be an active, responsible participant
• Attend all meetings
• Bring back knowledge and skills learned from the program to their organization/ school/agency

Nominations Due Electronically: Friday, June 15th @ 5pm
- Nomination Review Process: Monday, June 18 – Friday, June 22nd
- Announcement of Winners: Monday, June 25th
- Meetings: July 10th – August 7th, Tuesdays & Thursdays, 1-5pm, DCYF, 1390 Market St. Suite 900
- Presentation of Final Project: Thursday, August 9th, 1-5pm, DCYFIf you have any questions or need technical assistance, please contact Nayad Abrahamian at 415-554-3509 or e-mail [email protected].

Source: Youth Empowerment Fund, June 5, 2012