Workreation is a student youth employment and training program that is an integral part of the San Francisco Recreation & Park Department’s mentorship program. The program has been created for youth ages 14‐17 & will accept youth who do not turn 18 before 11/10/12. Candidates selected will be awarded a position and assigned to work for a park or recreation supervisor in one the following divisions:

  • Recreation: After School Enrichment‐ Serving as a Junior Rec Leader at various recreation centers
  • Recreation: Aquatics Working at one of the city aquatics centers, assisting Senior Swimming Instructors and Life Guards.
  • Recreation: Facility Coordinating ‐ Assisting a recreation center Facility Coordinator with various tasks related to building operations.
  • Administration: Clerical Performing administrative tasks in areas such as Human Resources, Finance, Operations, Support Services, and other administrative divisions.

Workreation staff will work approximately 10 hours per week. Schedules will vary depending on the assignment. Tentatively, the start date will be around early November and the end date will be mid-May. The pay for these positions is minimum wage ‐ $10.24/hr.

 Applications are due by August 31, 2012. Approximate Interview Week: 9/17/12 -9/21/12 from 4-7pm.

To submit an application, please visit: Or contact Jennifer Gee at (415) 831‐2785 or through email at [email protected] for more information.

Source: SF Recreation & Parks, August 28, 2012