sf_yefDCYF’s Youth Empowerment Fund (YEF) is proud to sponsor the 2014-2015 Youth Warrior Award & Fellowship.

YEF requests community-based organizations, schools, and other youth agencies to nominate up to 2 youth (1 self-identified male and 1 self-identified female) for the Youth Warrior Award & Fellowship, in which 16 youth will be chosen to participate.

See Youth Warrior Award & Fellowship nomination form.

Nominations Due: Friday, June 6th @5pm.

Youth Warriors have made both a commitment to bettering themselves as well as the community around them and have overcome challenges on their path to becoming positive and motivated change-makers.

This 10-month fellowship will train Youth Warriors to improve their public speaking, facilitation, public policy, and advocacy skills. The summer component of the fellowship will also focus on learning about the history, culture, and issues youth face in various San Francisco neighborhoods.

Youth Warriors will use their newly developed skills to lead Youth Advocacy Day in the spring of 2015 – a historic day of authentic youth civic engagement where high school students come to City Hall and meet with elected officials to make their voices heard about issues that affect young people.

Youth Warriors will also have a chance to meet their state elected officials in Sacramento during the Spring YEF State Capitol Trip.

Upon completion of the fellowship, Youth Warriors will be awarded an $800 educational scholarship and certificate during the Youth Warrior Awards Ceremony.

• Be between the ages of 15 and 19
• Live in San Francisco
• Have overcome personal obstacles and participated in creating positive change in the community
• Commit to attending all leadership training/events
• Be able to attain written permission from guardian and school/employer to participate in Youth Advocacy Day and State Capitol Trip in the Spring of 2015 (Dates TBD)

• Be an active, responsible participant in the Fellowship
• Attend all youth leadership training, events, Youth Advocacy Day, and State Capitol Trip
• Bring back knowledge and skills learned from the Fellowship to their organization/ school/agency
• Youth Warriors must complete the entire fellowship in order to receive their certificate and educational scholarship.

Nominations Due: Friday, June 6th @5pm
• Nomination Review Process and Interviews: Monday, June 9th – Friday, June 20th
• Announcement of Youth Warriors: Monday, June 23rd
• Fellowship: Summer: Tuesday, July 1st – Wednesday, July 30th
Tuesday and Wednesday meetings
DCYF Office (1390 Market St. Suite 900)
• Fellowship: School-Year: August 26th – April 28th, 2015
Weekly Tuesday meetings
DCYF Office (1390 Market St. Suite 900)Additional dates TBD, but include an overnight retreat, two Saturday trainings, Youth Advocacy Day, Sacramento State Capitol Day, and Youth Warrior Awards Ceremony

Source: DCYF, May 27, 2014