youth empowerment fundLet Your Voice Be Heard, Let Your Mind Be Free Youth Empowerment Fund Poster Contest

Contest winners will be choosen for two youth groups, one for ages 12-15 and one for 15-18. Submissions for both are due November 25th.

The Youth Empowerment Fund (YEF) invites you to create a poster design based on the theme:
“Let Your Voice Be Heard, Let Your Mind Be Free.”

Posters must be on 17” x 22” paper and may be in any visual medium, including pen and ink, paint, photography, silk screen, computer graphics or other mediums. Winning entries will be printed and distributed widely.

1. First place winners will receive a $1,000 scholarship, plus printing and mass distribution of the poster

2. Second place winners will receive a $750 scholarship

3. Third place winners will receive a $500 scholarship

In addition, all winners will be asked to nominate a charity or non-profit organization based in San Francisco to be awarded a matching grant amount.

For more information, please visit the or click here to view YEF Poster Contest 2013 flyer.

Source: YEF, 11/20/2013