In this free 10-week training program, participants learn customer service skills before devoting six weeks to learning the skills required for a teller position in any financial institution. Graduates of the program receive a $500 stipend, plus ongoing placement and retention services. Graduates who achieve employment can leverage their bank teller position as a gateway to other positions with a bank.

The Bilingual Bank Teller Program will start on Tuesday January 20 and it runs on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am – 1pm.

Program requirements:

1.       SF Resident

2.       Ages 17-24

3.       Willing to commit to complete program

4.       Pursue placement services after program or post-secondary education

Contact Leonardo Sosa at 415-282-3334 ext105 or more information

Click here for flyer.

Source: MEDA, November 24th