Find out how to put your tech skills to work. If you love computers and technology or are considering a career as a systems administrator, the place to start is with
CompTIA A+ Help Desk certification. In five months you can unlock the door to a
whole new field of job opportunities, and we will help every step of the way.
Explore your opportunties to have a career in Information Technology.
Program includes:
• Tuition paid at CCSF
• Paid internship
• Certification test prep
• Exam fees covered
• Personal job coach for one year
• Job placement support for one year
Classes include:
• CNIT 100: Intro to Computers using PC’s
• CNIT 103/L: Computer Hardware
• CNIT 104: Operating Systems Technologies
• CNIT 105: Computer Technical Support
• CNIT 197: Internship
Apply if you love helping people, are technically inclined, are familiar with
computer hardware and software and love problem-solving.
*We = BAVC + TechSF, a government funded program to help people like you get trained and find job opportunities in the booming tech industry.
Find Out More!
Attend 30 min info session:
Tuesday, Dec. 2nd
10am or 12pm
Location: CCSF Mission Campus, 1125 Valencia Street, Room 107