The YES! (Youth Employed for Success) Program is a collaboration between First Place for Youth and JVS which aims to serve ILSP eligible youth in building transferrable skills and gain work experience that can be put on a resume.

This program will last a minimum of 12 weeks and has 2 phases.

Phase #1: Classroom based learning on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4-6pm, starting on 9/10/15 and ending on 10/15/15.  Youth can earn a stipend of up to $450 in phase 1 through attendance, punctuality, and participation.

Phase #2: Internship based learning will begin the week of October 19, 2015.  Youth earn an hourly wage by attending a weekly workshop and completing 100 hours of internship.

Important Dates:

August 28th – Deadline to submit all applications.

September 10th – Orientation and participation interviews (in order to attend the orientation, an application must be on file)

For application,click here.

Questions? Please contact Lucien Nahum Isaac (ILSP Program Assistant) – 415-230-3982[email protected] OR Steven Sanford (JVS YES! Program Coordinator) – 415-505-6376[email protected]

Source: First Place for Youth, August 16th, 2015