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Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center (BHNC): Youth Employment Services (YES)

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4468 Mission St., San Francisco, CA

The Y.E.S. (Youth Employment Services) Program, a job readiness and work placement program for youth ages 16-24. Learn to do your resume, how to ace interviews, develop work experience, and more! Youth on probation, in foster care, and teen parents are encouraged to participate.

Booker T. Washington Community Service Center: Better Tomorrow Program

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800 Presidio Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94115, USA

GED PREPARATION & Testing, Case Management, Basic Computer Training and Earn A Computer Program

Career Steps Program San Francisco

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1234 Divisadero Street, San Francisco, CA 94115, USA

The Career Steps Program is a work-readiness training program for youth and adults ages 18 and older who are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing. The program offers a 5 week comprehensive pre-employment training and one-on-one job seeking assistance to enrolled job-ready clients.

City College of San Francisco: Disabled Students Programs and Services

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50 Phelan Avenue, R323, San Francisco, CA

DSPS provides support services and classes for students with disabilities at City College of San Francisco.

City College of San Francisco: Dr. Betty Shabazz Family Resource Center

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50 Phelan Avenue, Room 201, San Francisco, CA 94109

The Dr. Betty Shabazz Family Resource Center: By, For and About Student Parents at CCSF

City College of San Francisco: Gateway to College

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50 Phelan Ave., San Francisco, CA

Gateway to College is a program at City College of San Francisco that serves students between 16-20, who have dropped out of high school in San Francisco or may not graduate. Students take courses that help earn credit towards their high school diploma and a college degree or certificate at the same time. Gateway to College is for students who: •Are 16 - 20 years old •Live in San Francisco •Have dropped out of high school (behind in units for age and grade level, to graduate) •Struggled with grades and attendance (GPA generally below 2.0) •Are READY and MOTIVATEDRead more