The RAMP-SF Academy is actively recruiting 18-25 year-olds for their upcoming 2012 sessions!

There is no formal referral process. Interested persons just need to attend a RAMP-SF orientation to commence the application process Below are upcoming orientation dates:




DO NOTE: All orientations start at 2:300PM SHARP and it is highly advised applicants arrive on time! All persons arriving after the 2:30PM start time will be asked to attend the next available orientation. In addition, applicants will be asked to present their One Stop cards. If they do not have a One Stop card, they should arrive at least 15-20 minutes BEFORE the orientation start time to apply for one…

The application process will go as follows:

  1. Attend a RAMP-SF orientation.
  2. Complete application (provided at orientation).
  3. Collect documents (applicants should bring their Right-to-Work and WIA required docs to their interview).
  4. Attend scheduled interview at: San Francisco Conservation Corps, Upper Fort Mason, Building 102.
  5. Complete CASAS test at: San Francisco Conservation Corps., Upper Fort Mason, Building 102.

Questions? Please feel free to contact [email protected]

Source: San Francisco Conservations Corps, September 8th, 2014