Resources for Formerly/Currently Incarcerated: Guide to Getting Out and Staying Out
A Guide to San Francisco Resources for People Leaving Jails and Prisons
More Resources for Justice Involved Youth
A Guide to San Francisco Resources for People Leaving Jails and Prisons
More Resources for Justice Involved YouthThe San Francisco Pathways to Citizenship Initiative will be hosting the first of several 2016 Mega Citizenship Workshops on Saturday, February 27, 2016 at the Bill Graham Auditorium.
More Resources for Immigrant YouthImmigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is a part of the United States Department of Homeland Security, and runs a nationwide enforcement initiative to identify, arrest and remove undocumented immigrants with a prior order of removal, deportation or exclusion. During the course of their raids, ICE teams often encounter people without prior deportation orders and without criminal records. ICE has maintained its right to arrest and deport these people as well. But ICE agents are not just sweeping up noncitizens they encounter in the process of seeking “fugitive aliens.” This page provides an overview of the rights an immigrant (whether here
More Resources for Immigrant YouthThis site is created by youth and young adults just like you! You can find complete clinic information and comprehensive health information and resources on numerous topics including:
More Health ResourcesIf you’re a student between the ages of 13 and 18, a full-range of special activities and programs has been designed just for you.
The Wintertime and holidays bring opportunities for festive celebrations. For some people, the season can also bring mixed feelings. This is an awesome resource guide to Winter Wellness.
More Mental Health ResourcesA comprehensive guide for all of the Domestic Violence Resources in San Francisco
More Resources for Domestic Violence SurvivorsBridging TAY across the Bay Area. Click to find out how to access resources out of San Francisco.
More Bay Area ResourcesNew Door provides paid job internships for at-risk youth ages 17-24, at one of two social enterprises (nonprofit businesses that we own and operate) or with community partners in the Ally partnership program.
More JobsThe San Franciscon Collaborative Courts (SFCC) work with individuals and families in the criminal justice, juvenile delinquency, and child welfare systems who are challenged by substance abuse, mental illness and other social welfare concerns.
More Resource for Re-entrySuccess Center offers meaningful education and employment services for TAYs (Transitional Aged Youth and young adults, ages 16 – 24) so that they may develop a positive self-image as well as a sense of hope and purpose for their future.
More Education Resources HereEasy to read fact sheets to support youth in protecting themselves while interacting with the police.
More Legal ResourcesThroughout San Francisco County, Family Resource Centers (FRCs) are available to serve you and your family. Regardless of age, income, sexual orientation, gender, or disability, FRCs are open to everyone. Currently, 25 centers are jointly funded by First 5 San Francisco, the Department of Children Youth, and their Families, and the Human Services Agency.
More Resources for young parentsAbode Services secures permanent homes for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. They apply the innovative Housing First approach to go beyond the temporary solutions that shelters and transitional housing programs offer.
More Housing ResourcesSan Francisco Neighborhood Access Points provide an array of services and resources for job seekers in San Francisco. Find out which access point is in your neighborhood!
More Employment ProgramsMany people who have been convicted of a crime don’t realized that they may be eligible to have their conviction dismissed. the Clean Slate Program was created to help people through this process.
More Legal ServicesCTAB members talk about SF4TAY, life experience with violence, homelessness and unmet needs.
Watch nowThe BAYCAT Internship employs 18-24 year-olds to produce digital media that tells their unique stories, transform themselves, their communities and the world.
More Employment ProgramsIf you're motivated, ready to work, between 16-24 and able to work in San Francisco, Summer Jobs+ is for you!
More Employment ProgramsBack on Track is a comprehensive re-entry initiative for young adults with low level non violent drug offenses.
More Programs Just4MeSee latest job and internship postings
Find advocacy & Recreation Opportunities
Community OrganizationsA website for 16-24 year old transitional age youth (TAY) in San Francisco. is a project of TAYSF's Citywide TAY Advisory Board and is generously funded by the San Francisco Department of Public Health. Sign up for our Newsletter!
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