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You are currently viewing EMPLOYMENT resources. Click on a sub-category below to view different types of EMPLOYMENT resources.

Community Vocational Enterprise (CVS)

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818 Mission St., San Francisco, CA

CVE is a non profit social enterprise focused on workforce development through a collaboration with Department of Rehabilitation and Social Security's Ticket to Work program.

Positive Resource Center: Employment Services

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785 Market Street, 10th Floor, San Francisco, CA

Positive Resource Center’s Employment Services Program provides vocational rehabilitation and job search services to people with HIV/AIDS or with Mental Health Disabilities.

Mo’MAGIC: Magic Zone TAY

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1050 McAllister , San Francisco, CA

TAY participants participate in workshops, trainings and classes in preparation for internships and job development.

Horizons Unlimited of San Francisco Inc: The DJ Project

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440 Potrero Ave. San Francisco, Ca. 94110

Paid opportunity to plan and produce large scale community events.

Asian Neighborhood Design: Green Construction/Solar installation Training

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1 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94102

Asian Neighborhood Design offers FREE, 14 week Green Construction/Solar installation training program for low-income or at-risk young people.

Community Youth Center (CYC) of San Francisco: Generating Leadership Opportunities in the Workforce (GLOW)

0 Review

1038 Post Street, San Francisco, CA

The goal of the program is to not only increase job readiness but also educational success and life skills.