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You are currently viewing EMPLOYMENT resources. Click on a sub-category below to view different types of EMPLOYMENT resources.

Mission Girls: Young Queens on the Rise

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3007 24th Street, San Francisco, CA

Young Queens is a gender-specific and trauma informed program that seeks to empower at-risk girls to make positive transformations with intensive case management,life-skills workshops, and violence prevention/intervention.

Urban Services YMCA: Western Addition Family Resource Center

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1426 Fillmore Street, Suite #303, San Francisco, CA

The Western Addition Family Resource Center is a family support and empowerment agency that also serves as a hub for connecting families with a network of local and citywide service providers.

LYRIC: LGBTQQ Violence Prevention & Intervention Program

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127 Collingwood Street, San Francisco, CA

Case Management services for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning (LGBTQQ) and Ally youth.

LYRIC: Queer Youth Training Collaborative (QYTC)

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127 Collingwood Street, San Francisco, CA

Paid youth workforce development program.

San Francisco Conservation Corps

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Building 102 Fort Mason, San Francisco, CA

The San Francisco Conservation Corps offers young people opportunities to develop themselves, their academic abilities and marketable job skills while addressing community needs through service work.

Boys & Girls Club of San Francisco: Alumni Services

1 Review

55 Hawthorne Street #600, San Francisco, CA

Helping youth to reach their full educational and earning potential.