San Francisco Safe House
P.O.Box 40369, San Francisco, CA 94140
Safe House transitional housing for homeless adult women leaving prostitution.You are currently viewing HOUSING resources. Click on a sub-category below to view different types of HOUSING resources.
P.O.Box 40369, San Francisco, CA 94140
Safe House transitional housing for homeless adult women leaving prostitution.424 Guerrero Street, San Francisco, CA 94110, USA
Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice “CAMEO HOUSE” is a transitional housing program for homeless ex-offender women, who are on supervised probation in San Francisco, with children ages 0-6 years.401 3rd Street, San Francisco, CA
The San Francisco VAMC Downtown Clinic offers psychological and health care services. Working as a comprehensive homeless drop-in center, the Downtown Clinic offers outreach, therapy, housing and employment. There is a patient shuttle for those who are unable to make it to the clinic without assistance of a driver.673 San Jose Ave, San Francisco, CA
Dual Diagnosis treatment facility addressing adults concerns with Mental Health/ Substance Abuse issues.3453 18th Street, #19, San Francisco, CA
Asian Women's Shelter supports women, children, and queer/trans survivors of domestic violence & human trafficking, especially immigrants/refugees.240 Turk St., San Francisco, CA
The YEA! Program is a 2-year transitional housing program and provides housing for 27 youth.Designed by Templatic