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You are currently viewing HOUSING resources. Click on a sub-category below to view different types of HOUSING resources.

San Francisco Safe House

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P.O.Box 40369, San Francisco, CA 94140

Safe House transitional housing for homeless adult women leaving prostitution.

Cameo House (Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice)

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424 Guerrero Street, San Francisco, CA 94110, USA

Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice “CAMEO HOUSE” is a transitional housing program for homeless ex-offender women, who are on supervised probation in San Francisco, with children ages 0-6 years.

San Francisco Veterans Administration Medical Center (SFVAMC): Downtown Clinic

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401 3rd Street, San Francisco, CA

The San Francisco VAMC Downtown Clinic offers psychological and health care services. Working as a comprehensive homeless drop-in center, the Downtown Clinic offers outreach, therapy, housing and employment. There is a patient shuttle for those who are unable to make it to the clinic without assistance of a driver.

Baker Places: San Jose Place

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673 San Jose Ave, San Francisco, CA

Dual Diagnosis treatment facility addressing adults concerns with Mental Health/ Substance Abuse issues.

Asian Women’s Shelter

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3453 18th Street, #19, San Francisco, CA

Asian Women's Shelter supports women, children, and queer/trans survivors of domestic violence & human trafficking, especially immigrants/refugees.

The Salvation Army Young Emancipated Adults Program (YEA!)

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240 Turk St., San Francisco, CA

The YEA! Program is a 2-year transitional housing program and provides housing for 27 youth.