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County Adult Assistance Program (CAAP), Food Stamp Program, Social Security Administration Benefits, CalWorks, Unemployment Insurance Benefits Claims, Health Insurance Coverage

MyPath Offering Financial Services for Youth

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2430 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94110

MyPath (formerly Mission SF Community Financial Center) places low-income youth and young adults on a path to economic mobility by ensuring they have access to quality financial products, a working knowledge of the financial system, and a peer-based social support system that encourages personal goal-setting and accountability. When we do this, we position youth and young adults to achieve their full potential and seed upward mobility that will continue for generations to come. MyPath offers services such as: MyPath Savings engages young people in banking and saving, transforming their first paychecks into an economic mobility pathway. MyPath Advocates engages young peopleRead more

AIDS Emergency Fund

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12 Grace Street #300, San Francisco, CA

Emergency Financial Assistance to HIV/AIDS patients.

City and County of San Francisco: Human Services Agency: County Adult Assistance Programs (CAAP)

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1235 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA

County Adult Assistance Programs (CAAP) consists of four separate, independent programs to better meet the needs of adult residents of San Francisco. These four programs are: PAES (Personal Assisted Employment Services), CALM (Cash Assistance Linked to Medi-Cal), SSIP (Supplemental Security Income Pending), and GA (General Assistance). Individuals who are receiving SSI are not eligible to CAAP. Individuals who have timed-out from CalWORKs are not eligible to CAAP unless they've met the conditions for an Executive Director's exception as determined by their CalWORKs worker. Individuals with minor children must apply for CalWORKs for benefits that include CalFresh (formerly Food Stamps)Read more