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TAY-RAPP Initiative (formerly TAYSF Young Adult Advisory Board) AUG 2012 UPDATES

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New names, strengthened work! With TAYSF’s transition into DCYF and the release of the Mayor’s Policy Directive prioritizing TAY services across Departments, our work continues, but significantly strengthened. One of the large gains is that we now have deputy-level TAY Leads at all relevant departments. Our team will be working closely with them to bring relevant topics and questions to inform policies and services across departments. With this,...

TAYSF UPDATES for August: Mayor Lee’s new TAY policies, TAYSF’s new home, etc

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In April 2012, Mayor Lee issued a policy directive prioritizing TAY services across the City. He declared that as a City, we must: Ensure that disconnected transitional age youth are a priority population citywide Increase both internal and external coordination of services and investments for disconnected transitional age youth Provide support for authentic youth engagement in policy and program-related decisions Strengthen TAY-related resource...

Interview w/ Monica Flores, new TAY Young Adult Advocate, Young Mothers United @ Center for Young Women’s Development

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Interview w/ Monica Flores, New TAY Young Adult Advocate, Young Mothers United @ Center for Young Women’s Development by Justin Slaughter, SF4TAY Communications Coordinator Did you grow up in San Francisco, what’s your story? Monica: I was born and raised in the Mission district of San Francisco. I studied at four to five public schools in the City, and then graduated from Independent High School last year. I was fortunate to be involved w...
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OMIE Beacon: TAY Program

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The TAY Program is to help young adults who are at-risk in the OMIE Area (Outer Mission, Merced, Ingelside/Lakeview, Excelsior) create “Life Educational Action Plans” (LEAPS) to ensure enrollment & completion in appropriate job development services, GED Programs, & other leveraged activities. This includes soft job skills, life skills, and group mediation....
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San Francisco Department of Public Health: Community Behavioral Health Services -Transitional Age Youth (CBHS-TAY)

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Intake Assessment for youth 16-25yo who have a serious mental health illness. We provide Intensive Case Management; Medication monitoring; individual/family therapy; groups; socialization activities; peer support....
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Mo’MAGIC: Magic Zone TAY

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TAY participants participate in workshops, trainings and classes in preparation for internships and job development....