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Five Keys Charter School

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Five Keys offers adults ages 16 and older (no age cap) the opportunity to earn credits toward their High School Diploma and/or take courses to prepare them to take the GED exam. Different from most public high schools, Five Keys requires students to obtain 180 units to graduate, whereas, other traditional high schools require up to 240 units. Five Keys also offers the CAHSEE exam several times throughout the year and /or pays the associated fee...
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Booker T. Washington Community Service Center: Better Tomorrow Program

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Booker T. Washington is the location for any Transitional Aged Youth that want preparation for the GED, support in paying for the GED test, Case Management, Financial Literacy, Basic Computer Training and Earning A Computer System...

Five Keys Charter School

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...acilities: (e.g., Walden House, Friendship House) For re-entry / substance abuse programs where the clients actually live, FKIH places an instructor(s) at the residential facility. Upon intake to the facility, those without a GED or high school diploma are enrolled in FKIH as part of their treatment program. Academic classes are held daily for clients in addition to scheduled appointments with the independent study teacher. • City Agencies: (e.g....
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Larkin Street Youth Services: HIRE UP, Educational Services

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Serves youth ages 12-24 by providing GED completion support, tutoring, employment/education case management, Job Readiness Class, Job Training program, internship program, Art groups, computer/audio visual classes and college support....
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City College of San Francisco: Transitional Studies Department

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The Transitional Studies Department offers instruction in the CCSF High School Diploma Program, General Educational Development (GED), Adult Basic Education, and Vocational Foundation Skills....

Each One Reach One: A Dream and a Plan for Tomorrow (ADAPT)

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...tion and literacy amongst minority youth entering the Juvenile Justice System. The comprehensive coordinated program matches youth with a community member mentor who assists them with goal setting, future mapping, attaining a GED as appropriate, writing a one-act play, and learning critical life skills. In ADAPT, youth work on a post-release plan which is shared with the youth’s probation officer and as appropriate utilized by the court to...