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The Jewish Vocational Services (JVS)’s Newhouse Scholarship supports qualified applicants with up to $1800 as they pursue vocational short-term training. The scholarships are available to all Jewish residents of San Francisco, Marin, Sonoma or the Peninsula who meet the following eligibility requirements: * Demonstrate financial need * Training programs must be short-term and focus on a clearly defined vocational goal for which there are employment opportunities in the Bay Area Recipients of this scholarship can use the funds for tuition payments, living expenses while attending a tuition-free program, equipment, or testing fees. Applications are currently being accepted, so please apply
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Total Views : 110 Daily Views : 1
San Francisco LYRIC’s Youth Workforce Development Program is currently looking for youth ages 14-17 for paid internship. The opportunities are for work placement that provides a blend of foundation employment skills, leadership development opportunities, and social justice education. Want the job? Go to the “Get Involved!” section of LYRIC’s website in order to schedule a New Participant Orientation. Source: LYRIC, November 15, 2012
Total Views : 46 Daily Views : 2
Beacon Works and Youth Program Assistants empower and train youth to work in the Richmond District Neighborhood Center and in other businesses and organizations throughout San Francisco
Total Views : 89 Daily Views : 3
Jose-Luis, Rene, and Monica of the TAY Research, Advocacy, Policy, & Practice (TAY-RAPP) initiative speak about this year’s City-wide TAY Advisory Board (CTAB). The CTAB engages youth and young adults, ages 16-25 who, from personal and professional experiences, represent San Francisco’s most vulnerable transitional age youth—those who are disconnected from education, employment and social support systems. Recently you had a retreat to focus the 2012-2013 City-wide TAY Advisory Board (CTAB) members on your advocacy projects and issues for this year, how did it go? Jose-Luis: I left the retreat feeling very excited. Like always, our group of engaged, thoughtful young
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Total Views : 177 Daily Views : 0
The Center for Young Women’s Development is HIRING for The SISTER’S RISING Program. Description: Sister’s Rising is a 9 month paid internship for young women between the ages of 16-24 who have been involved in the juvenile or adult justice system, foster care system, or the underground street economy (drug sales, prostitution, etc.) and who want to make the transition from the streets to legal and sustainable employment. The program is designed to provide interns with transferable job skills, trainings, opportunities for self-care, and leadership development. The goal of the program is for young women to become involved in
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Total Views : 96 Daily Views : 0
“When he was in high school, a young man I’ll call David started smoking marijuana and using cocaine. He became addicted, and he abused the trust of those who loved him until he had burned every bridge. David drifted from city to city, sometimes ending up in jail for months at a time. In 2003, David hit rock bottom. Desperate, he went to Community Housing Partnership, or CHP, a San Francisco social enterprise that operates permanent housing and offers skills training for the formerly homeless. CHP provided a way forward for David, including a place to live, drug counseling
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