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Report from Citywide Transitional Age Youth Advisory Board (CTAB) 2012-2013 Retreat

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Citywide Transitional Age Youth Advisory Board (CTAB)  2012-2013 Retreat by Monica Flores and Rene Ontiveros, TAYSF Advocate Fellows             This year is the first time that the CTAB (formerly Young Adult Advisory Board, YAA) has held a day long retreat prior to entering an exciting year of research, advocacy, and policy work. The retreat was created to welcome new board members, appreciate current members and update them all on the transitions that TAYSF has been going through as well as to serve as a foundation for an upcoming year of impactful work.  The retreat had four key components: orientation,Read more

Wall Street Journal editorial demonstrates why SF’s Juma Ventures is a promising path to employment for disconnected youth

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“When he was in high school, a young man I’ll call David started smoking marijuana and using cocaine. He became addicted, and he abused the trust of those who loved him until he had burned every bridge. David drifted from city to city, sometimes ending up in jail for months at a time. In 2003, David hit rock bottom. Desperate, he went to Community Housing Partnership, or CHP, a San Francisco social enterprise that operates permanent housing and offers skills training for the formerly homeless. CHP provided a way forward for David, including a place to live, drug counselingRead more

Interview w/ Derek Zarda, the Systems Change Advocate @ Independent Living Resource Center’s PRYDE Group

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Interview with Derek Zarda, Systems Change Advocate, Independent Living Resource Center SF What is the Peer Run Youth w/ Disabilities Empowerment (PRYDE) youth group? Who are its members? Derek: PRYDE is an advocacy and support group for youth and young adults with disabilities. The aim of PRYDE is to provide youth with disabilities with mentorship and a sense of empowerment, encourage them to become active participants in the disability rights movement, and to help prepare them for a future of independent living. PRYDE is part of Independent Living Resource Center San Francisco (ILRCSF), which is a disability rights advocacyRead more

Tenderloin Housing Clinic: Tenderloin Youth Leadership Program

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The Tenderloin Youth Leadership Program will focus on leadership development and community service with youth who live in the Tenderloin and are between the ages of 14-17.

TAYSF UPDATES for August: Mayor Lee’s new TAY policies, TAYSF’s new home, etc

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In April 2012, Mayor Lee issued a policy directive prioritizing TAY services across the City. He declared that as a City, we must: Ensure that disconnected transitional age youth are a priority population citywide Increase both internal and external coordination of services and investments for disconnected transitional age youth Provide support for authentic youth engagement in policy and program-related decisions Strengthen TAY-related resources, including data-collection and best-practices research Work with our community partners to align efforts and gather valuable feedback To support this vision, DCYF was asked to serve as the new “home” for TAYSF and appointed Glenn EaglesonRead more

Interview w/ Allison Magee of San Francisco Juvenile Probation Department (JPD)

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Interview w/ Allison Magee of San Francisco Juvenile Probation Department (JPD) by Justin Slaughter SF4TAY Communications Coordinator What does San Francisco’s Juvenile Probation Department do? Allison: Juvenile Probation department serves juvenile offenders, primarily youth 13-18. Some youth are older, but really, most youth served by our Department are 15-18 years-old (in 2011, 87% were between 15 and 18 yrs old). The JPD monitors and supports youth offenders throughout the adjudication process, from when a youth has just been arrested and booked in juvenile hall, through the court system, and what after, whether its probation or a long-term commitment toRead more